I have said this before, but I think that jewelry is the easiest way to make an otherwise basic outfit pop. Whether it is a pretty necklace, some statement earrings, or a big cocktail ring, jewelry can transform an outfit from basic to interesting in no time flat. At times I have found that I can be more daring with jewelry than I can with clothes and still feel comfortable. Plus, jewelry is great when you are not feeling very creative while getting dressed - take the pressure off yourself and just pick out a couple of fun bracelets! Finally, the best thing is that you can buy it on the cheap. There are so many great places to track down inexpensive, fun pieces. Below you will find some great options to get your jewelry collection started. I have included a few options that will put a little bit bigger dent in your wallet because I do think that it is occasionally worth spending a little extra on something you love! Click on the picture to link to the item.
left: shopruche - $14.99
right: forever 21 - $14.80right: forever 21 - $7.80

left: topshop - $30
right: shopruche - $32.99

left: forever 21 - $6.80
right: modcloth - $15.99

left: modcloth - $14.99
right: forever 21 - $5.80

left: modcloth - $12.99
right: shopruche - $9.99
left: anthropologie - $28
right: anthropologie - $38
left: modcloth - $12.99
right: shopruche - $12.99
A few last tips: --Banana Republic and Anthropologie have great sale jewelry so always check that out first. I have never bought anything full price at Banana because their sale bin is so fantastic.
--J. Crew also has super interesting, different stuff but it is a little pricier.
--I wander through the Target jewelry section EVERY time I go there. It is rare for me to not leave with something. I had trouble putting their pictures on my blog otherwise I would have some of their jewelry on here!
--Don't forget about vintage jewelry! St. Vinny's is a haven of great jewelry that no one else will have. $2 earring and $3 necklaces - you cannot go wrong!